Terpenes - What are they?

Francesca Sonand

Terpenes are tiny organic molecules found in every strain of cannabis, and they are responsible for the flavours and aromas you might experience. Each strain has a different combination of terpenes, and no two strains are alike, kind of like snowflakes or fingerprints. While Terpenes affect the flavour and aroma of cannabis, there is no current scientific evidence that different terpenes have different effects on the human body. Terpenes are also found in lots of other plants, not just the cannabis plant. Below are just a few of the most common terpenes found in cannabis plants and some fun facts...

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What is Sativa and Indica?

Francesca Sonand

If you have ever been confused about the terms Indica and Sativa you’re not alone. Over the years these definitions have caused confusion for many people including cannabis experts. In 1753 Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus believed there was only one species of cannabis plant, the name he gave it was Cannabis Sativa. A few decades later a French naturalist named Jean-Baptiste Lamarck discovered a different sub-species, that he referred to as Cannabis Indica, but what is the actual difference? In botanical terms the term Indica refers to a plant originating from India whereas Sativa simply means cultivated. Some people use...

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